This week finally my real life as a student started again. After an introductory lecture in customer value and communication management, the whole monday was filled with visiting the different institutes, talking to the professers and getting an image of what each institutes works on mainly.
On tuesday we visited with a group of 4 students a rather small company which develops tuning and performance items for Saab cars - it´s called Hirsch Performance AG. They presented themselves and we had to ask some questions in order to get a picture about customer orientation and stuff like that. It´s not really a tuning in the sense of Fast and Furious movies or Need for Speed Underground games - or can you imagine a Saab with a blue illumination of the bottom? - but still it seems to be a very interesting business. In the afternoon we had prepare a presentation and present "our company" to the other groups which visited other "companies" like St. Galler Tagblatt, Migros Ostschweiz, Radisson Hotel or Kinderdorf Pestalozzi. These first two days started at 8am and ended around 6pm - more or less interesting but very tiring...
Wednesday was the start of real classes (not in terms of introduction). After a lectrue on research projects and methods I had a 4 hours class on business-to-business marketing. It seems to be an interesting topic. Too bad this lecture is from 4 till 8pm... Thursday then was the first quiet day. I only had a class late in the afternoon (6-8pm). But it´s about competition and faireness which makes it not so easy. It seems that it´s a combination of economics and sociology, which are both not my core competencies ;-)
The end of this rather tough week was the hardest part - the funeral of my grandma who died on monday. I think it´s the best for her this way but still it´s sad to lose someone close. And it made me realize, that there are things like topics of discussion (or even fights) which are really not that important...
On tuesday we visited with a group of 4 students a rather small company which develops tuning and performance items for Saab cars - it´s called Hirsch Performance AG. They presented themselves and we had to ask some questions in order to get a picture about customer orientation and stuff like that. It´s not really a tuning in the sense of Fast and Furious movies or Need for Speed Underground games - or can you imagine a Saab with a blue illumination of the bottom? - but still it seems to be a very interesting business. In the afternoon we had prepare a presentation and present "our company" to the other groups which visited other "companies" like St. Galler Tagblatt, Migros Ostschweiz, Radisson Hotel or Kinderdorf Pestalozzi. These first two days started at 8am and ended around 6pm - more or less interesting but very tiring...
Wednesday was the start of real classes (not in terms of introduction). After a lectrue on research projects and methods I had a 4 hours class on business-to-business marketing. It seems to be an interesting topic. Too bad this lecture is from 4 till 8pm... Thursday then was the first quiet day. I only had a class late in the afternoon (6-8pm). But it´s about competition and faireness which makes it not so easy. It seems that it´s a combination of economics and sociology, which are both not my core competencies ;-)
The end of this rather tough week was the hardest part - the funeral of my grandma who died on monday. I think it´s the best for her this way but still it´s sad to lose someone close. And it made me realize, that there are things like topics of discussion (or even fights) which are really not that important...
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