01 October 2006

Back from Fiesch

Yesterday in the afternoon I returned from the Berner Feriensportlager in Fiesch. As always it was a great week and as we didn´t sleep that much during the week, I was really tired when I returned - but who wasn´t?!

A week ago the "teachers" started the camp with the journey to Fiesch. After the first meeting with general information we had an apéro and then dinner, followed by a first evening in "our" bar - the bäregrabe;-) On sunday some of the leaders went back to Bern to get the kids there. Me and my co-leader were lucky because someone took our 4 bernese kids and we could stay in Fiesch and spend a relaxing and quiet day there - until the kids arrived.

On monday then our courses started. We had in our "life-saver" course 1 boy from Bern, 3 girls from Bern and 4 girls from Fiesch who were between 13 and 15 years old. We taught them in 8 hours (mo-thu 2 hours) the necessary things they have to know. On friday finally they had the exam - luckily everyone passed ;-) In the afternoon I had to lead twice "Emergency - what to do", once Sauna and once bowling and one afternoon I had off.

But it wasn´t only "teaching" the kids important things. I could do a lot of stuff as well. I went to play unihockey, I did archery twice and played some badminton.

Thursday was a special day. First we had a rescheduling of the afternoon courses because we had a very, very, very important guest who had a short speech: Mr. "Freude herrscht" Adolf Ogi. We had "Vil Fröööd";-) There was another speciality on thursday evening. We (the 2 life-savers plus the 3 divers) organized for our fellow leaders a pool party. We had snacks, some wine, some beer a bit of music - and we enlightened the swimming hall just with 400 candles. It really looked amazing!! Next year I should bring my camera and take pictures for those who don´t believe me!

We learned as well important things from our kids. We learned who´s cool, who they hate. We learned that good, nice things are not "cool" anymore (like in the days we were in school). Today things are "In da house" :=))

3 Responses:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Busy week. I hope you enjoy playing badminton. It's a fun game! :-D

Sue said...

LOL, cool stuff...or should I say: "In da house stuff?"....kids can be so amusing...:-)

Simu said...

yeah, definitely the kidz were amusing. the evening I had to make sure the kids will sleep was very funny. i went to one room when they were talking and someone said:"we didn´t want to talk THAT loud!" :))