02 April 2007

Time goes by, so slowly! - or not?

Do you think sometimes, that the clock is running faster than at other times? There are times, I really feel that it´s going slower. For example if I look ahead, I see, that it still takes me more than one year to finish my education (finally). And it takes almost a year until I´ll go abroad once again. And then, probably a lot of work-years are ahead...
But, on the other hand, I have the feeling, that life is sometimes running at speed of sound. I mean, we already passed a quarter of 2007 although it feels that it started just moments ago. I´m back in Switzerland already for more than half a year but my memories from the time abroad are so present, I can´t imagine that it´s already so long ago. When I look back to 2006 on one hand it feels that I experienced so many nice moments but on the other hand it feels like this year was like a dream - it was a nice imagination but didn´t exist.
When I look around me, I see people coming back from abroad, I see people going away for some time. I see people finishing their studies, looking and applying for their first job. And I even got an invitation today for a wedding of a friend, who´s just one week older than me.
Was Madonna right, when she sang Time goes by, so slowly, for those who wait - no time to hesitate!? Is there no time to hesitate? Is it better to take opportunities without hesitating? Just living and enjoying each moment and make the most out of it, because you can´t be sure what the next one will bring...?

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